Are you worry to bring or send timber to your country?

Now you don't need to worry anymore, because here in Tirtha Wangi all items already in treated / Fumigated and if you still worry, we'll give you a certificate declaration of the wood, complete with a stamp that you can show if the officer (custom) asks you in Airport. Many customer been helped by this to bring wood back to them country.
Actually not all of the wood can be eaten by bugs.
Timber consists of two parts, outer and inner timber. Like the picture on the left.
The outer timber is the most favored by the bug. Maybe it feels good (^_^).
The inner of the timber is safe from the bug, because the inner of the timber is the hard part.
This section is necessary and important to be maintained.
Ok, that all...
Hope this will helpful for you all.
Many thanks
worry bring wood timber fumigation